Constitution Of The Alton Band and Orchestra Builders

Article I         Name, Purpose, and Membership Eligibility

Section 1.        Name
1.  The name of this organization shall be the Alton Band and Orchestra Builders.

Section 2.        Purpose
1.  The purpose of the organization shall be the promotion, encouragement, and sustenance of music in the Alton public schools.

Section 3.        Membership Eligibility
1All school patrons and citizens residing within the boundaries of the Alton Community Unit School District No. 11, alumni, and other parties that are interested in the purpose of this organization shall be entitled to membership.

Article II        Officers

Section 1.        Offices and Terms
1.  The offices of this organization shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Financial Secretary and Treasurer.  They shall assume their offices June 1.

Section 2.        President
1.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization, appoint chairpersons to all standing committees and shall be, ex officio, a member of all standing committees.

Section 3.        Vice President
1.  The Vice President shall assume all Presidential duties in the absence of the President and shall be the liaison between the organization and the elementary and middle school parents and any recognized alumni association.

Section 4.        Secretary
1.  The Secretary shall keep all records and minutes of all meetings in permanent form and conduct all correspondences.

Section 5.        Treasurer and Co-Treasurer
1.  The Treasurer and Co-Treasurer shall keep a record of all funds received and disbursed and shall write all checks.  The treasurer shall keep permanent records of all receipts and disbursements.

Section 6.        Financial Secretary
1.  The Financial Secretary shall countersign all checks and approve all bills for payment, and shall be appointed by consensus of the elected officers.

Article III       Board of Directors, Executive and Standing Committees

Section 1.        Composition of the Board of Directors
1.  The Board of Directors shall be composed of the elected officers, the Financial Secretary, the district’s instrumental music coordinators, the district’s instrumental music teachers, the district’s music administrator, and the chairpersons of all standing committees as selected by the President of the organization.

Section 2.        Composition of the Executive Committee
1.  The Executive Committee shall be composed of all officers of the organization, the school district’s instrumental music coordinator, and the AHS head band and orchestra directors.

Section 3.        Duties of Executive Committee
1.  The Executive Committee shall have the duty of general supervision of the affairs of the organization.

2.  The Executive Committee shall carry on the business of the organization between monthly board meetings.

3.  The Executive Committee shall be responsible for preparing the annual budget to be presented for board approval by the May board meeting.

Section 4.       Standing Committees
1.  Ways and Means:  Shall be responsible for organizing and conducting all fundraising efforts outside of the Craft Fair and Virtual Auction, which are conducted by their specific committees.

2.  Craft Fair:  Shall be responsible for organizing and conducting the organization’s annual Olde Alton Arts & Craft Fair.

3.  Virtual Auction:  Shall be responsible for organizing and conducting the organization’s annual virtual auction fundraiser.

4.  Communications:  Shall be responsible for all regular communications and upkeep of the distribution list, alumni and donor records, and publicity of events of the organization.

5.  Technology:  Shall oversee the maintenance and content of the website, social media platforms and all matters of technology for the organization.

6.  Hospitality:  Shall be responsible for all matters of hospitality within the organization.

Article IV      Meetings and Properties

Section 1.        Board Meetings
1.  The scheduled meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the fourth Monday of each month throughout the year except for December.

2.  Special board meetings may be called by the President with at least 48 hours’ notice to board members.

3.  The President may call for electronic voting when the Board of Directors is unable to convene for special board meetings.  

Section 2.        Quorum
1.  A quorum shall consist of one-third (1/3) of board members present, based on the official number of Board of Director members on record with the Secretary.

Section 3.        Order
1.  Where not otherwise set forth in the organization’s Constitution and By-Laws, Robert’s Rules of Order, Simplified and Applied edition shall dictate parliamentary procedure in called meetings where a quorum is present.

Section 4.        Properties
1.  All equipment and materials purchased or otherwise acquired by the organization shall become the property of the Alton Community Unit School District No. 11.

Section 5.        Audit
1.  ABOB will be audited annually and file a Federal 990 and IL-AG 990 for 501(c) 3’s at the end of its fiscal year to comply with the Alton School Board Policy 8:90 requiring booster organizations to provide assurances that they will protect their own finances. The Alton Community Unit School District No. 11 shall bear no liability or responsibility for the financial operation of ABOB.

Article V       Amendments

Section 1.
1.  The by-laws may be changed at any meeting by notice and majority vote.

Accepted June 27, 2016
Revised August, 22, 2022